May 7, 2018
Dermot Cleary, chair of Autism Canada was one of several witnesses at the Senate Committee’s hearings in February into the concerns regarding the administration of the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RDSP).
“We are impacted by the inability to secure our son’s future. We are his sole social circle, we are his financial backers, we are his transportation – we are his life. My fears keep me awake at night.”
Authors Dr. Jennifer Zwicker and Stephanie Dunn, report on the tangled web of disability governance and policy in Canada in The Star on May 4, 2018. In another article posted in The Province on January 13, 2018, they asked the question: "Why is the Canada Revenue Agency denying the Disability Tax Credit to those who need it the most?" The researchers associated with the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary explored the barriers to accessing the DTC in a policy brief issued in January 2018: “Why is the Uptake of the Disability Tax Credit Low in Canada?”
The newly appointed Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) has a mandate to advise the Canada Revenue Agency on the administration and interpretation of the Income Tax Act to ensure that Canadians with disabilities receive the credits and benefits that they are entitled to. DAC will also be making recommendations for consideration to the Minister of National Revenue Diane Lebouthillier, for legislative changes to disability tax measures.
If you wish to contact the committee or send a submission, please forward it to DAC.